The program offers Master degree (Magister Teknik – MT.) in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering.

It is a research based program with proposal development, seminars, defend, and additional lectures. The length of study is 4 (four) semesters normally and maximum extending is 6 (six) semesters.


Registration of the candidates for Master at ITB can be directly “on line” through

Research Based on the Roadmap of Research Groups

The Master Study Program in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering is under the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technologies (FITB), which oriented towards academic education with the competence to create and renew/originality in research/research-based science, knowledge and technology. The research referred to follows Research Group roadmaps, namely:

  1. Geodesy
  2. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Science
  3. Surveying and Cadastre
  4. Coastal and Ocean and Maritime Engineering

Curriculum and Length of Study

The Master Study Program curriculum is held on 4 (four) semesters with a minimum credit is 36 credits. The Master Study Program students the choice to determine the composition of the subject groups according to the following paths:

  1. Geodetic and Geomatic Engineering
  2. Land Administration
  3. Geospatial Based Disaster Risk Management
  4. Maritime Engineering

Compulsory Courses

No Code Course
1 GD5101 Sistem Referensi Geospasial
2 GD5102 Teknik Analisis Data
3 GD5103 Metodologi Penelitian
4 GD5201 Metodologi Pemetaan
5 GD5202 Sistem Legal Spasial dan Kadaster
6 GD5203 Integrasi Sains Pesisir dan Laut
7 GD6101 Analisis Informasi Geospasial
8 GD6090 Tesis

Elective Courses

No Code Course
1 GD5011 Administrasi Pertanahan
2 GD5012 Analisis Kebijakan Pertanahan
3 GD5013 Survei Rekayasa
4 GD5014 Sistem Kerekayasaan Pesisir
5 GD5015 Teknologi Pemetaan Laut
6 GD6010 Sistem Informasi Kelautan
7 GD6011 Sains Keputusan dan Pengembangan Sistem Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir dan Laut
8 GD6012 Kapita Selekta Batas Laut dan Sistem Kadaster Laut
9 GD6013 Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Wil.Pesisir dan Laut
10 GD6014 Sistem Pengamatan Bumi
11 GD6018 Pengolahan Citra Digital
12 GD5010 Pengolahan Geometri Digital
13 GD6015 Pemodelan Informasi Geografis
14 GD5017 Geodinamika
15 GD6016 Geodesi Fisik
16 GD Sistem Dinamika Bumi

Prospective candidates are advised to visit ITB Graduate School.

For specific details, inquiries can be requested from

Download: Doctor Program Profile

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